

Alamyn B.V. is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under numer: 92775233. Alamyn B.V., based in Tienhoven, is represented by Dewi Louise Huibers (Dewi Louise). All retreats, ceremonies, events, coaching trajectories, (online) programs, and related assignments are exclusively accepted and carried out by Alamyn B.V. All stipulations in these Terms and Conditions are also made on behalf of all those working for Alamyn B.V.Ā 

Article 1: Registration and Cancellation

Registrations, whether oral or written, are final and binding; you are therefore obligated to pay the amount at all times. In the case of mid-term cancellation or before the start of a ceremony, retreat (program), program, 1:1 trajectory, online or live training programs, there is no possibility of a refund. However, you do have the option to rejoin in a subsequent trajectory or program. This only applies to long-term (more than 6 weeks) programs and trajectory until 6 weeks before start. This does not apply to retreat programs, ceremonies and events. The following article applies to retreat programs, ceremonies and events.

Article 2: Deposit, Payment, and Cancellation for Retreats, Ceremonies, and Events

For bookings of retreat programs, ceremonies, or events, a minimum of 30% must be paid, which also serves as cancellation costs. The rest of the amount should be paid at least 6 weeks before the start date of the retreat program, ceremony or event. Cancellation percentages vary as follows:

  • Within 6 weeks before the start date: 30% of the total price.
  • Within 4 weeks before the start date: 50% of the total price.
  • Within 2 weeks before the start date: 75% of the total price.Ā 
  • From 2 weeks up to date or in case of a "no show," no exceptions are made, and 100% of the total price is applicable.

Article 3: Coaching SessionsĀ 

A coaching session must be paid within 14 days of the invoice date. 1:1 appointments should be canceled, if necessary, at least 48 hours before the session. Failure to cancel on time may result in Alamyn B.V. retaining the 30% deposit. For a "no show," the 30% deposit will be retained, and an additional invoice sent for the remaining amount if no cancellation is made in advance. If no deposit was made, a billing link will be sent for the session booked. Late arrivals for appointments will not be compensated, and Alamyn B.V. reserves the right to charge for the reserved time in case of non-cancellation. Missed appointments in coaching trajectories may be rescheduled within the trajectory term unless otherwise agreed.

Article 4: Late Payment

The client/student is considered in default from the due date. Alamyn B.V. will send a payment reminder after the due date, providing a 5-working-day grace period for settlement. In case of continued non-payment, Alamyn B.V. is entitled to charge interest and reasonable costs for collection, effective from the due date as per legal provisions. For installment payments, invoices are sent on the first of each month, regardless of entry time. Failure to make timely payments forfeits the right to installments, requiring the full amount to be paid in one go.

Article 5: Retreat programs, Ceremonies, Events, and (online) programs

The website details participant expectations, information and costs. These vary according to the chosen service.

Article 6: Changes to Activities

In the event that a retreat, ceremony, event, coaching, trajectory, or (online) program cannot proceed due to unforeseen circumstances, Alamyn B.V. will offer participants an option for a similar event in the future. Timely communication will be ensured for all affected participants regarding new dates and locations.

Article 7: Health

Participants must be in good mental and physical health to attend retreats, ceremonies, events, coaching, trajectories, or (online) programs. Any doubts or health concerns should be communicated to Alamyn B.V. before registration.

Article 8: Liability

Alamyn B.V. endeavors to ensure that retreats, ceremonies, events, coaching, trajectories, and (online) programs run smoothly and safely for all participants. Participation in a retreat or ceremony is at the participant's risk. Alamyn B.V. is not responsible for any loss, damage, or theft of items brought by participants to the event.

Article 8.1: Participant Responsibility

Every action taken by a participant during a retreat, ceremony, event, coaching session, trajectory, or (online) program is entirely the responsibility of the participant. Alamyn B.V., or any staff members/guides cannot be held liable for consequences and outcomes.

Article 8.2: Program Objectives

Retreats, ceremonies, events, coaching, trajectories, and (online) programs aim to help participants reconnect with themselves, heal, and make a positive impact on society. While there are no guarantees for results, participants have the autonomy to utilize the experiences and knowledge gained as they see fit.

Article 8.3: Therapy and Educational Offerings

All products and services provided by Alamyn B.V. are designed for therapeutic, educational, and informative purposes. No content promises specific results. Participants are advised to consult medical, legal, or financial professionals before making significant decisions based on any information presented by Alamyn B.V..

Article 8.4: Liability Waiver

By agreeing to these terms & conditions I acknowledge my voluntary participation in a retreat, (online)program, event and/or plant medicine ceremony organized by Alamyn B.V. I assume all risks associated with the activities, including travel and usage of legal plant medicines. I release Alamyn B.V., its affiliates, and personnel from any liability in case of mishaps, including injuries (physical, emotional or mental), death, theft and those that are not mentioned in this document. I understand the potential risks involved, including injuries from various hazards, and I will not hold any individual or organization accountable for my well-being. I am aware of the medical clinic's proximity in case of emergencies.

I agree that Alamyn B.V. and its representatives are not responsible for the adequacy of equipment, medical supplies, or care provided during retreats, events and/or ceremonies.. I pledge to disclose my medical history, current medications, allergies, and any changes in medication doses to the Alamyn B.V. staff. If I'm on medication conflicting with plant medicines, I agree to stop its use at least three weeks before a retreat, event or ceremony. I commit to respecting others and property, following rules, knowing that any violation may lead to expulsion without a refund.

Article 9: Code of Conduct

To ensure the orderly, peaceful, and safe conduct of retreat programs, ceremonies, events, coaching, trajectories, and (online) programs, participants must follow the instructions of the organization. Alamyn B.V. reserves the right to immediately revoke a participant's access to an activity if the guidelines are not followed or if certain behaviors, such as disruptive conduct or unauthorized promotion, take place. No refund will be made in such cases.

Article 10: Confidentiality

Information provided by clients/students is treated as confidential by Alamyn B.V., its staff, and associated persons. Alamyn B.V. complies with current privacy laws.

Article 11: Confidentiality / Privacy

All parties are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of any information obtained in the context of the agreement. Personal data obtained by Alamyn B.V. via the website is handled meticulously and confidentially, in accordance with relevant privacy laws and regulations.

Article 12: Force Majeure

In situations of force majeure, Alamyn B.V. has the right to either suspend the execution of a client/student's registration or terminate the agreement without legal intervention, with no obligation for damages unless deemed unreasonable under the given circumstances.

Article 13: Applicable Law and Competent Court

All rights, obligations, offers, bookings, orders, and agreements to which these Terms and Conditions apply, as well as this General Terms and Conditions document itself, are governed exclusively by Dutch law. Any disputes between parties will be exclusively submitted to the competent court.

Article 14: Intellectual Property

Without written permission from Alamyn B.V., clients/students are not allowed to disclose, display, or otherwise use the designs, documentation, information, action plans, programs, quotes, and other materials provided Alamyn B.V. to third parties. However, clients/students are allowed to reproduce these materials for personal use. Unless otherwise agreed upon, all intellectual property rights remain with Alamyn B.V.

Thank you for reading through these details (General Terms and Conditions). Alamyn B.V. aims to ensure clear communication of these terms in advance.